So Yoga is by far the hardest workout to do in the morning, mostly because it takes so long, so we decided it would be better to do it when we got off work, and after much debating and deciding if we wanted to take the easier option and do Stretch X, or do cardio, or anything! But we finally pushed play and knocked that sucker out, and we did our we just have to do it again Saturday and then we are yoga free for a week.

Friday, March 25, 2011
Day 50
Core Synergistics
We were supposed to do Yoga today but we had to get early because I was making a trip to Lake Providence, so we just switched our days. Core is a really good workout, it works out those muscles that you either forget about or didnt even know you had, I have been having a really stiff back lately so I am hoping this will help work some of that soreness out.
We were supposed to do Yoga today but we had to get early because I was making a trip to Lake Providence, so we just switched our days. Core is a really good workout, it works out those muscles that you either forget about or didnt even know you had, I have been having a really stiff back lately so I am hoping this will help work some of that soreness out.
Day 49
This is a workout that I love love love, until my daddy took the T-bird away...Ok maybe I have listened to Tony H. too much during this p90x journey. But besides the fact I love doing Kenpo, something about punching imaginary bad guys drives me too work harder, and boy do I work hard during this workout. I was sweating so much my punches were flicking bits of sweat on the TV, and I am not that close. Kenpo is just one of those workouts that gets me in the zone, and I would really feel sorry for any burgular that tried to break into my house while I was in the Kenpo zone.
This is a workout that I love love love, until my daddy took the T-bird away...Ok maybe I have listened to Tony H. too much during this p90x journey. But besides the fact I love doing Kenpo, something about punching imaginary bad guys drives me too work harder, and boy do I work hard during this workout. I was sweating so much my punches were flicking bits of sweat on the TV, and I am not that close. Kenpo is just one of those workouts that gets me in the zone, and I would really feel sorry for any burgular that tried to break into my house while I was in the Kenpo zone.
Day 48
Legs and Back
Sneaky Lunges *Blah*
Pull-Ups *Blugh*
80-20 Debbie Sieber Squats *Barf*
Chair Lunges *Ugh*
Mix all those with a bunch of other workouts and you get the most glute blasting, leg numbing, back burning workout in the whole bunch. Not a problem workout by any means but one that pushes me to my limits every time.
Sneaky Lunges *Blah*
Pull-Ups *Blugh*
80-20 Debbie Sieber Squats *Barf*
Chair Lunges *Ugh*
Mix all those with a bunch of other workouts and you get the most glute blasting, leg numbing, back burning workout in the whole bunch. Not a problem workout by any means but one that pushes me to my limits every time.
Day 47
Rest Day
Today we went to our godsons baptisim, and we had a brunch afterwards, it was a good day and Tiera went to my cousins wedding shower afterwards while I cleaned the house, mowed the yard, and played video games as long as I possibly could. It was a good day.
Today we went to our godsons baptisim, and we had a brunch afterwards, it was a good day and Tiera went to my cousins wedding shower afterwards while I cleaned the house, mowed the yard, and played video games as long as I possibly could. It was a good day.
day 46
Tiera was feeling sick so we didnt do our workout in the morning instead we spent a lazy morning then we went and ran all of our errands, We also were not able to run on Thursday so we had to do Yoga then run, needless to say it was a pretty hectic day, but we made it through it and got our workout on. Yoga of course is super tough not in the lifting, cardio, kind of way, but if you have done Yoga you know its just "hard". Standing in a position that is uncomfortable and off balance for 30 seconds pushes your body to a different kind of physical limit. Yoga is alot harder in the mind before you start than it is once you get into it however so the trick is to keep pushing play.
Friday, March 18, 2011
day 45
Whoop Whoop Half Way through!
Everyone on your feet, cheer, do the wave!
Seriously though it feels great to be halfway through and I really look forward to getting my end game results.
And to all my readers ( all 3 of you) thank you for keeping me motivated and giving me an outlet to keep myself on the right path.
Back and Biceps
Today was a really good workout, I am still fighting my injury from legs and back, and I am sure deciding to up my weights doesnt help much. But next week is recovery week so I really wanted to kill it on the last lift day untill the last weeks. I have definetly gotten better with my pullups and I have definetly gotten stronger, but my weights are such a pain to change I just lift heavier weights when I know I shouldnt and I am afraid it is messing up my form, but it takes so dang long to switch out weights. I have also started using the band on a couple of the workouts and they give some really great resistance. Well heres to the end half of P90x!
Everyone on your feet, cheer, do the wave!
Seriously though it feels great to be halfway through and I really look forward to getting my end game results.
And to all my readers ( all 3 of you) thank you for keeping me motivated and giving me an outlet to keep myself on the right path.
Back and Biceps
Today was a really good workout, I am still fighting my injury from legs and back, and I am sure deciding to up my weights doesnt help much. But next week is recovery week so I really wanted to kill it on the last lift day untill the last weeks. I have definetly gotten better with my pullups and I have definetly gotten stronger, but my weights are such a pain to change I just lift heavier weights when I know I shouldnt and I am afraid it is messing up my form, but it takes so dang long to switch out weights. I have also started using the band on a couple of the workouts and they give some really great resistance. Well heres to the end half of P90x!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Day 44
Actual DNA removal |
Pyo, Plyo, Plyo, the good thing about plyo...water break the bad thing, everything else. When I say bad I say it with the upmost reespect because plyo has pushed me beyond limits that I never thought I could even get too. It is amazing how far you can push your body and all you have to do is push it once because if you are anything like me once you have done non stop double time jump knee tucks, then you can never go back to doing them normal speed. Thats what I continue to do each plyo workout and it is the one that gets my heart rate into the 190 zone. today I burned 950 calories but I only maxed out at 190 bpm 1 and 2 beats slower than normal, but hey maybe I am just getting in better shape. I also used the same strategy on the easier workouts that I did with kenp...intensify!!! so this workout I ended up with a continually higher heart rate throught the workout. I felt like I was going to pass out a couple of time and I had some serious DNA removal, and all in all I think it was a great workout!
Day 43
Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Ab Ripper X
I like this workout alot, it really hits you in the triceps, but I hate hate hate doing the slow motion pushups. I guess that means I should do more of them :). They kill me and it is really hard for me to even do one with out taking a break in between. I was able to knockout 2 plyo pushups in addition to my claps, and I did 4 1 arm pushups. ab ripper X is as hard as always, but I am slowly advancing.
I like this workout alot, it really hits you in the triceps, but I hate hate hate doing the slow motion pushups. I guess that means I should do more of them :). They kill me and it is really hard for me to even do one with out taking a break in between. I was able to knockout 2 plyo pushups in addition to my claps, and I did 4 1 arm pushups. ab ripper X is as hard as always, but I am slowly advancing.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 42
Kenpo X
I love Kenpo so much but my problem has always been keeping my heart rate where I want it to be, well today I figured it out. Before when we were doing the block portion I would drop to aroud 140 but today I got up in the 180's the reason why...adding intensitity Tony Horton knows his stuff I just moved fast enough with the force I thought would be neccessary to actually block a punch or kick and it really boosted my heart rate up. Bad new is since we are doing painitng with a twist tommorow night we wont be able to run so we have to run again today! :( all part of the plan to be sexy I guess.
I love Kenpo so much but my problem has always been keeping my heart rate where I want it to be, well today I figured it out. Before when we were doing the block portion I would drop to aroud 140 but today I got up in the 180's the reason why...adding intensitity Tony Horton knows his stuff I just moved fast enough with the force I thought would be neccessary to actually block a punch or kick and it really boosted my heart rate up. Bad new is since we are doing painitng with a twist tommorow night we wont be able to run so we have to run again today! :( all part of the plan to be sexy I guess.
Day 41
Legs and Back
If sneaky lunges, sieber squats, super skaters, and deadlifts werent enough Tony decides to make you do pull ups in between. It really is a tough workout and it kills my knee, but I feel accomplished every time I do it. Oh yea plus since we are doing our own version of doubles we had to run 21 minutes when we got home also.
If sneaky lunges, sieber squats, super skaters, and deadlifts werent enough Tony decides to make you do pull ups in between. It really is a tough workout and it kills my knee, but I feel accomplished every time I do it. Oh yea plus since we are doing our own version of doubles we had to run 21 minutes when we got home also.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Day 40
Yoga X
Well like I said last week we decided to start doing Yoga again... Its not that the workout is just crazy hard but man it takes forever. And the moves are very difficult but we made it through it and I guess it wasnt all that bad, I guess I am more flexable and I really do believe that doing stretch X helped alot.
Well like I said last week we decided to start doing Yoga again... Its not that the workout is just crazy hard but man it takes forever. And the moves are very difficult but we made it through it and I guess it wasnt all that bad, I guess I am more flexable and I really do believe that doing stretch X helped alot.
Day 39
We took Saturday off because we ran our first 5k of the year, Tiera and I really want to start running more, and I really had a good time. I dont even mind running on my off day. Last year when I ran this same race I hurt my foot and I finished in 34 minutes. This year I felt like I could have kept running! I finished in 30 minutes so I guess p90x is really helping out!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Day 38
Back and Biceps
Pull ups and Dumbells...
I increased my weights to 30lb dumbells and tried less reps at a heavier weight, it was tough but I managed to get through all my workouts, except I do my stripped down curls and my 21's with the bands. Those things can give you a really good workout but you have to make sure you isolate those muscles. I have continued to improve on my pull ups I am just trying to get 1 more per workout, I am going to start knocking out more chair assisted pullups however. On a side note I knocked the hell outta my shin doing pullups, basically I came down on the top of my shin, on the chair, and scrapped it all the way down. This is my first P90X injury, minus my normal ankle pain, so I guess I should count myself lucky that I made it 38 days.
Ab Ripper X
I made some improvements to my ab ripper X also, I have started doing the reps a little faster and I got between 20-25 reps of each workout now which is an improvement because I have always had a tough time with abs. Now we just have our run when we get home.
Pull ups and Dumbells...
I increased my weights to 30lb dumbells and tried less reps at a heavier weight, it was tough but I managed to get through all my workouts, except I do my stripped down curls and my 21's with the bands. Those things can give you a really good workout but you have to make sure you isolate those muscles. I have continued to improve on my pull ups I am just trying to get 1 more per workout, I am going to start knocking out more chair assisted pullups however. On a side note I knocked the hell outta my shin doing pullups, basically I came down on the top of my shin, on the chair, and scrapped it all the way down. This is my first P90X injury, minus my normal ankle pain, so I guess I should count myself lucky that I made it 38 days.
Ab Ripper X
I made some improvements to my ab ripper X also, I have started doing the reps a little faster and I got between 20-25 reps of each workout now which is an improvement because I have always had a tough time with abs. Now we just have our run when we get home.
Day 37
Everyone whos done P90X knows how tough Plyo is this seems like the millionth time I have done Plyo and guess what it hasnt gotten easier. In fact it seems like its getting harder, I am sure the soreness in my body has something to do with that. My heart rate monitor says my max heart rate during the workout was 192, and that I burned a total of 914 calories. WTF!!!!!! 900 calories is like a whole days worth of food. Who is this Tony Horton guy?
Everyone whos done P90X knows how tough Plyo is this seems like the millionth time I have done Plyo and guess what it hasnt gotten easier. In fact it seems like its getting harder, I am sure the soreness in my body has something to do with that. My heart rate monitor says my max heart rate during the workout was 192, and that I burned a total of 914 calories. WTF!!!!!! 900 calories is like a whole days worth of food. Who is this Tony Horton guy?
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 36
Chest Shoulders and Triceps
This workout has turned out to be a really tough one. The pushups are cool in the sense that it is a completely different workout than a normal pushup. However they suck big time cause they hurt so bad. The workout is really working out my triceps, obviously, and I have seen a little definition since the last workout. I am hoping to achieve great results with this program because I can see where it really strengthens the arms.
This workout has turned out to be a really tough one. The pushups are cool in the sense that it is a completely different workout than a normal pushup. However they suck big time cause they hurt so bad. The workout is really working out my triceps, obviously, and I have seen a little definition since the last workout. I am hoping to achieve great results with this program because I can see where it really strengthens the arms.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Day 35
Kenpo X
If you have read my blog before you know that Kenpo is my best workout. However due to the extreme ass whooping (all pun intended) that legs and back gave me yesterday, today was actually really tough. I sweated bullets and burned right at 750 calories, but I have been having alot of trouble with body movement. It just doesnt feel natural the way I am moving so of course that tells me I am probaly doing something wrong. But I will continue to do my best and...
If you have read my blog before you know that Kenpo is my best workout. However due to the extreme ass whooping (all pun intended) that legs and back gave me yesterday, today was actually really tough. I sweated bullets and burned right at 750 calories, but I have been having alot of trouble with body movement. It just doesnt feel natural the way I am moving so of course that tells me I am probaly doing something wrong. But I will continue to do my best and...
Day 34
Legs and Back
Im writing this on the 8th and let me tell you my butt and my legs are sooooo sore I dont know what I have been doing for the last 30 days, its amazing too me that we can do the same workout that we have done before and it still makes us sore. It just goes to show you that you really have to push your intensity level if you want to be successful. I have actually been able to do a set of 10 pull ups without the chair so that is a huge step for me. I really need to work on my lunges mostly form, because if you dont have good form they really are kind of pointless, I guess I am just not coordinated enoughto do them as fast as "the kids."
Im writing this on the 8th and let me tell you my butt and my legs are sooooo sore I dont know what I have been doing for the last 30 days, its amazing too me that we can do the same workout that we have done before and it still makes us sore. It just goes to show you that you really have to push your intensity level if you want to be successful. I have actually been able to do a set of 10 pull ups without the chair so that is a huge step for me. I really need to work on my lunges mostly form, because if you dont have good form they really are kind of pointless, I guess I am just not coordinated enoughto do them as fast as "the kids."
Day 33
Yoga (Sub stretch X)
We we did Stretch X with all of Tieras Nieces and Nephews( 12,8,4) needless to say it was kind of a pain but we did it and we did it right. We have decided that we have outgrown stretch x and we are going to move on to Yoga X from now on. So now we have that to look forward too. Yay!
We we did Stretch X with all of Tieras Nieces and Nephews( 12,8,4) needless to say it was kind of a pain but we did it and we did it right. We have decided that we have outgrown stretch x and we are going to move on to Yoga X from now on. So now we have that to look forward too. Yay!
Day 32
We decided to take Saturday as our rest day because we are spending the weekend in Alexandria baby sitting and it has just been too tough. However we are going to do our best to do Stretch X tommorow. Yea we are still subbing stretch X for Yoga but its only because we honestly feel like we are advancing with it more.
Day 31
Back and Biceps
This was the first time we have done this workout and man is it tough! I feel like I have never worked out before I am actually just now catching up on the the blogs and its Tuesday and I am still aching. The clap pushups, all I can say about those are that I thought I was pretty tough doing a couple until I saw Tony Horton flying into the air clapping, I mean come on dude. Definetly the most effective upper body workout yet.
This was the first time we have done this workout and man is it tough! I feel like I have never worked out before I am actually just now catching up on the the blogs and its Tuesday and I am still aching. The clap pushups, all I can say about those are that I thought I was pretty tough doing a couple until I saw Tony Horton flying into the air clapping, I mean come on dude. Definetly the most effective upper body workout yet.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Day 30
I dont know if it is just a coincidence or if it is planned but what is amazing being 1/3 of the way through p90x is that one of the big things p90x boasts about is the lack of plateau. Well I can tell you straight up that they arent lying. After doing the recovery week last week I really feel like I have advanced as far as flexability goes, but then this morning when we did Plyo for the first time in 13 days I really feel like its the first time I've done it. My HRM tells me I burned 900 calories! 900 how crazy is that, and I am telling you this I am sore from yesterdays workout but I was so tired from plyo that I forogt about it. This is truely the reason p90x offers such great results because it is a heavily designed efficeient workout.
Also day 30 is picture day!
I havent gotten the pictures developed yet but what I have looked at so far seems to be a pretty good change. my stomach is alot flatter and i can see the definition in my muscles. We also did some measurements and it seem slike everything is shrinking down bti by bit. Also another plus is that my biceps have increased by about an inch. All in all it seems like we have had a pretty good journey so far.
I dont know if it is just a coincidence or if it is planned but what is amazing being 1/3 of the way through p90x is that one of the big things p90x boasts about is the lack of plateau. Well I can tell you straight up that they arent lying. After doing the recovery week last week I really feel like I have advanced as far as flexability goes, but then this morning when we did Plyo for the first time in 13 days I really feel like its the first time I've done it. My HRM tells me I burned 900 calories! 900 how crazy is that, and I am telling you this I am sore from yesterdays workout but I was so tired from plyo that I forogt about it. This is truely the reason p90x offers such great results because it is a heavily designed efficeient workout.
Also day 30 is picture day!
I havent gotten the pictures developed yet but what I have looked at so far seems to be a pretty good change. my stomach is alot flatter and i can see the definition in my muscles. We also did some measurements and it seem slike everything is shrinking down bti by bit. Also another plus is that my biceps have increased by about an inch. All in all it seems like we have had a pretty good journey so far.
Day 29
Chest, Back, Triceps
This was the first time we have done this workout and it is a really good complete arm workout. I remember looking at the video when there was 20 minutes left and my arms felt completely dead. But we managed to finish and finish strong so I think it was overall a good workout and I look forward to advancing.
This was the first time we have done this workout and it is a really good complete arm workout. I remember looking at the video when there was 20 minutes left and my arms felt completely dead. But we managed to finish and finish strong so I think it was overall a good workout and I look forward to advancing.
Day 28
Stretch X
Had to wait until after work because I was so tired from doing inventory all day Monday. It was my first day in my new position as marketing director, and I am pretty much just setting everything up. I still have gotten a permanent computer so I cant do alot of my work but I am squeaking by with an old laptop.
Stretch X has really helped me advance my flexability and I am hoping it will help in the future when we are off recovery week.
Had to wait until after work because I was so tired from doing inventory all day Monday. It was my first day in my new position as marketing director, and I am pretty much just setting everything up. I still have gotten a permanent computer so I cant do alot of my work but I am squeaking by with an old laptop.
Stretch X has really helped me advance my flexability and I am hoping it will help in the future when we are off recovery week.
Day 27
Core Synergistics
Once again super tough workout that makes you move in ways you arent used to in order to work out those muscles you forget about.
Once again super tough workout that makes you move in ways you arent used to in order to work out those muscles you forget about.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Day 26
Stretch X
I really like doing stretch X because I feel like I am advancing, I know I said this last time we did stretch but it is true it is a really great workout that makes your whole body feel good afterward. I think we are actually going to do stretch again on tuesday to help with our transition into yoga x.
I really like doing stretch X because I feel like I am advancing, I know I said this last time we did stretch but it is true it is a really great workout that makes your whole body feel good afterward. I think we are actually going to do stretch again on tuesday to help with our transition into yoga x.
Day 25
We took today as a rest day because we are going to the Mardi Gras parade for my birthday. We had a great time at the parade and I think it was a very successful birthday!
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