Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 10

OOOO double digits yea baby!  Shoulders and arms is a great workout but I have had a tough time with getting the weight right, number one I dont have a great set of weights and it takes forever to change them out, so that of course causes me to stick with the weights on the bar instead of increasing or lowering.  That being said this was the first time we have done this workout, we were supposed to do it last week but we ended up doing a different upper bosy workout on accident.  Beachbody does a great job of coming up with moves that completely isolate the muscles you are working thats what gives X-ers such great results, my arms were dead after this workout but because we had kind of a late start this morning we had to skip ab ripper X, dont worry we are doing it when we get home after work.  I dread ab ripper X because me abs right now are ridiculously sore, I cant even cough without shedding a tear, but I guess thats a good sign.  I hope everyone liked my picture for today it took me about 10 minutes to put together but I thought it was really funny.

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